Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Post about Posting, Not the Cereal Company

I first thought having a webpage was cool, and I was writing things in Netscape and FTPing them to the 10 megabytes I had through the ISP. (such a nerd!) I'm still not sure what the real difference between that and a blog except we now have a more polished system for publishing. I then had a blog, while friends used LiveJournal. Thinking I'd get more readers, I switched as well. And like so many of my friends, in college, posting languished.

And now, many college buddies keep each other up to date through Blogger. One of the old LiveJournalers switched to Blogger. I admit, I found that quite amusing. It's as if LiveJournal is for emo high schoolers, and Blogger is for recent professionals who having recently lost their college email, became Gmailers. Instead, we find the same blogs–and sometimes the same posting habits–as before.

So now I feel I need an explanation of sorts (not that anyone is asking). I would like a professional blog about theatre on my website. But there's a lot of personal content on my LiveJournal. When John started teaching, his solution was to make his journal private. I think I'm going to try to avoid boring you here with personal tidbits, and keep them where people are interested in that sort of thing can find them–for those of you out there... yes I know I haven't updated that in years, which perhaps makes this whole thing a bit more silly than it already is.

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